Friday, May 22, 2009 Internet Radio Stations

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Pakej Bimbingan Video Youtube

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Pakej Video ini mengandungi 7 Video Tutorial. Anda akan diajar secara langkah demi langkah melalui video.

Video Tutorial 1 - Panduan membuka Akaun Youtube

Video Tutorial 2 - Review Lengkap Ke Atas Video Usahawan

Video Tutorial 3 - Bagaimana Membuat Kajian Pasaran & Permintaaan

Video Tutorial 4 - Bagaimana memilih Video Terbaik & Popular

Video Tutorial 5 - Bagaimana Cara Download Video & Menukar Format

Video Tutorial 6 - Teknik Menulis Tajuk,Deskripsi & Tags

Video Tutorial 7 - Teknik Menghasilkan Annotation Iklan

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Ramai juga yang berpendapat Affiliate program adalah satu skim atau program cepat kaya, malah ada tanggapan affiliate program adalah sama seperti skim pelaburan atau Multi level marketing (MLM) dan paling kronik lagi mengatakan affiliate program dalah satu skim internet haram.

Pendapat negatif diatas adalah sama sekali salah, dan ianya harus diubah. Pemasar internet yang matang dan telah bertahun-tahun lamanya memasarkan produk afffiliate pasti tahu bahawa perniagaan internet pada hari ini telah mejangkaui dan telah berevolusi dengan pantas.Affiliate Program adalah satu kaedah pemasaran yang digunakan oleh syarikat pengeluar produk atau perkhidmatan untuk memasarkan produk dengan memberi yuran komisen dari setiap jualan.

Boleh dikatakan juga, pemasaran Affiliate adalah satu strategi pemasaran online dimana syarikat tertentu akan membayar anda beberapa peratus keuntungan jualan dari setiap pelanggan online yang mereka perolehi dari link affiliate yang disediakan.

Ianya juga boleh dikatakan satu program perdagangan elektronik pada pemilik laman web (untuk cth, sebuah laman web mengenai keusahawanan) yang akan menghantar pelawat ke laman web jualan (seperti laman web pengiklanan) untuk membeli mana-mana pakej pengiklanan atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan. Entiti perniagaan itu akan berkongsi keuntungan dari setiap jualan dengan pemilik web yang memperkenalkan tawaran milik entiti perniagaan terbabit.

Untuk maklumat lanjut sila klik laman web di bawah..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


In front of the person you love, your hearts beats faster,But in front of the person you like, you feel happy…In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring,But in front of the person you like, winter is just a beautiful winter…
If you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile,But if you look into the eyes of the person you love, you tend to shy…In front of the person you love, you tend to shy,But in front of the person you like, you can show yourself…You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love,But you can always smile into the eyes of the person you like…When the one you love is crying, you cry with him,But when the person you like is crying, you end up comforting…


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How To Take Care Your Hair?

We have about 100,000 hairs on our head. Each hair shaft has three layers, with cuticle, or outside layer, protecting the two inner layers. Do you know this? I may not only try to talk about this thing, but my main aim is to make you all realizing that the best way to protect and take care of your hair. By this reading, I think it can give you and me a big deal to cope off the hair falling and make your hair to be shiny always. Actually, how to take care to your hair depends on the type of the hair you have, your lifestyle and how you style your hair. If you with dry or curly hair, there have different hair care needs than people with straight hair. But all hair needs to be treated gently, especially when it’s wet. Wet hair can be stretch, making it more vulnerable to breakage or cuticle damage.
That why using a hot blow-dryer on every wet hair can damage it. If your hair is dry and curly, you are advised that do not to wash your hair frequently or less frequently. Curly and dry hair usually more fragile than straight hair, so you shall be more careful using heat styling products. Shampoos made for dry and curly hair and the hair conditioners can help. Don’t think that your lifestyle may not influence your hair. Are you preferred for sporting or doing outdoor activities? Then, you are supposed to be more concern to your hair’s health. Often exposure to sun, wind, or other element which may directly affect your hair. A good idea from me is that to wear a hat when you are going to do your outdoor activities. As an adolescence, I think you might be preferred to style your hair by many types of styling products or even iron the hair from curly to become straight or vice versa. In fact, this totally harms your hair.
For my advice, do not use too much of the heat styling products and chemical treatments. Follow the instructions and don’t use them on wet hair or high setting. Give your hair a vacation from styling once in a while. Ask your hair stylist or dermatologist for advice on using heat styling products.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


In recent years, the child sex industry has expanded across Asia. The situation is serious and it is ever-changing. There is a press-down-pop-up phenomenon: Even when the sexual exploitation is tackled effectively in one country, it may emerge insidiously in another country. Generally, there is a very big gap between policy and implementation. Because sex with children is illegal and clandestine, no-one knows for sure how many are involved. Three developments have led to this situation:
1. Greater demand for child sex from Asian men. They want those who have never had sex before and don’t have HIV.
2. Indifference among lawmakers and enforces. In most Asian countries, sex with a child under 16 years is a crime. So is employing anyone under 18 in the sex trade. However, we cannot point to a single country where prosecution of the traffickers has reduced the overall level of trafficking.
3. Widespread corruption. Criminals responsible for the traffic in Asian children routinely buy off police officers, judges and lawmakers. Some Asian men want sex with children, especially with the virgin ones, because they believe that it will bring them good health, long life, good luck and not infect them with HIV/AIDS. Three Ps and three Rs are the key elements in the fight against trafficking. The three Ps are prosecution, protection, and prevention; the three Rs are rescue, repatriation, and recovery.

-Nowadays, the things that we never thought we have to believe it now. Insufficient or inadequate laws, poor enforcement, ineffective penalties and minimal chances of prosecution all play a role in perpetuating trafficking. Trafficking is transnational and we need more cooperation in the region.

-Reader’s Digest, August 2007, page 74-80

Friday, March 13, 2009


Laptop is personal design for mobile used that is small enough to sit one lap. A laptop integrates all of the typical components of a desktop computer, including a display, a keyboard, a pointing device (a touchpad also known as a trackpad, or a pointing stick.Each laptop have their own specification.We choose the Compaq LTE 286(1989) and Compaq 6735B.Now the usage of laptop increase year by year but we must know about now and then model laptop.

About the specifications,Compaq LTE 286(1989) has the processor LTE 9.55 MHz Intel 8086 and LTE 286 12MHz Intel 80C286.Beside that it has memory 640 KiB base RAM with additional 1 untill Mib using proprietary memory cards.When we talk about the hardisk this model have LTE 20MB and LTE/286 40MB HD less than 29 ms seek time. Compaq LTE 286(1989) has floopy hard disk 1.44 MB floopy drive.It has backlit grayscale CGA 640 x 200 display (80/40 x 25 lines 4 shades of Gray)

The Compaq 6735B has AMD Turion™ X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile Processor ZM.This model use AMD M&*)G chipset and DDR@ 800MHz.About hard disk Compaq 6735B have Serial ATA hard drive 160, 250 or 320 GB (5400 rpm) or 160 GB (7200 rpm), HP 3D DriveGuard.It has 15.4” " WXGA (1280 x 800 resolution) or 15.4" WSXGA+ (1680 x 1050 resolution) wide-viewing angle, VoIP ready - optional integrated VGA webcam with integrated microphone.
As conclusion,laptops are design for personal users and small enough to bring any where if we cmpare the desktop.Comparing the specification of both laptops, the Compaq 6735B is much more better than Compaq LTE 286(1989).Obviously laptop will be more than a laptop in coming years.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

FIVE Surprising Reasons to Get More Sleep

a) It could make you thinner.
- The less sleep you get, the higher your body mass index tends to be.

b) It could boost your memory.
- Sleep plays a key role in making new memories stick in the brain.

c) It can fight colds, ulcers and even cancer.
- Good sleep boosts the immune system.

d) It can slow down ageing.

e) It could keep you orderly.

(I love sleep. But I did not realise that sleep have Something that surprising me when I found this article...huhuu.. Sleep have many a it advantages too, but if we got too much, it can weaken us too.)

-Reader’s Digest, November 2007, page 135

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction. The word love is both a verb and a noun. Love is not a single feeling but an emotion built from two or more feelings. Anything vital to us creates more than one feeling, and we also have feelings about our feelings (and thoughts about our feelings). This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.
As an abstract concept, love usually refers to a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person. Even this limited conception of love, however, encompasses a wealth of different feelings, from the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love to the nonsexual emotional closeness of familial and platonic love to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.


The Colors of the Rainbow

Sir Isaac Newton in his early physics experiments decided the colors of the rainbow were Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. Many of us remember them as ROY G BIV. Are there only seven colors? Newton believed in numerology and thought special numbers governed all natural phenomena. Seven is a very special number.
There are seven days in the week, seven openings in our head, seven seas, seven continents and many other important sevens. So, of course he found exactly seven colors. In reality, the rainbow colors unite gradually into one another. Our eyes sort them into groupings. How many colors are in the rainbow?
Anywhere from three to, as many as, several thousand. It depends on who is counting and what they believe is there. Funny how what we expect to see is often what we see. The color order of the rainbow, starts with red at the outer edge and moves through the colors to violet. The brightness and the width of the bands and colors may vary greatly in an instant of time while you watch a rainbow and are related to the size of the drops that form the bow.
The colors at the base of a rainbow are different from those at the top. Most rainbows only contain red near the ground. It is very rare that red is seen at the top of the rainbow.
The width of the bow measured from red to violet will be about four times as wide as the full moon. The rainbow's colors are like people, I have never known two to be exactly alike. To really understand the colors of the rainbow study them closely when they appear and come to your own conclusions.

Monday, March 2, 2009

How to Keep Your Cool When You Are Criticized

I have read the article on how to keep our cool when we are cricized..When you are being criticized, there is always a possibility that the person is being truthful and wants to help you, or is manipulative and hurtful and wants to harm you emotionally..

One cannot assess the true nature of the "criticizer" at the time of confrontation. The best way to decipher the person's intentions is to remain calm, nod or express comprehension..

Conflicts frequently arise or get way out of proportion due to people lacking the skills to communicate the real differences they are having. Learning better verbal skills and learning how to articulate what we need to say, can make all the difference. We owe it to ourselves to make an effort to learn these skills either through classroom instruction, small group meetings or with one other person. It's a skill set you will use for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Umami: The 5th Taste"

When we were in grade school, many of us learned that there were four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Now there's a new taste to learn and it's called umami (pronounced "oo-mommy").
What exactly is the umami taste? Well, there's no English word that's synonymous with umami, however it's most often described as a "savory" or "meaty" taste. The key's taste of this umami is "glutamate" that is also known as nature's flavor enhancer. What capture me most in this article is that Monosodium Glutamate, often referred to as "MSG" also provide Umami taste in the food. MSG to me is not something good. I would avoid consuming it too much. However reading the article acknowledge me about the new 5th taste.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hundreds feared missing after China mudslide

Some time we have to appreciate that we are living in Malaysia which is the country free of nature disaster . We know that this year China having the earthquake and cause many human being death . This is not only China face the problem but also for other country like America facing the tornado and cause a huge amount of lost .
This time in Beijing , China also surfer in mudslide .May be this is not a very big news as the Si Chuan earthquake but I think that this still a big lost in a country . Imagine if this “small” cases face in our Malaysia I am sure that this will be the big news in Malaysia .It is because our country is not as big as the China and we seldom facing this kind of nature disaster .One of the victim said the flow of mud and rock destroyed a three-storey office building, a market and houses in the valley and this happen in few minutes .Wau …. I really can not imagine how powerful is the natural .Even this accident is not cause as serious as Si Chuan earthquake but the dead number still show there are the dead .May be this is not related to our but try to think if it happen to us .
I am sure we feel difficult to handle this . So what I want to share here is we have to appreciate what we having now .Please do not blame that our situation is not good enough .Thanks .

Healthy Eat TipS

1) Balance your food choices over time.
Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.

2) Remember, foods are not good or bad.
Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.

3) Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods.
You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.

4) Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don't enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods.

5) Eat moderate portions.
If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. Refer to the Food Guide Pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Mitsubishi have a unique design than other cars. These sport cars are famous luxurious and stylish sport cars in the world. Most people in the world dream of Mitsubishi cars. Until now, there are 10 types of Mitsubishi Lancer Evo which are evo 1 until evo 10. I will compare Mitsubishi evo 7 and evo 10. They have their own similarities and differences.
>>Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 10

>>Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 7

The first similarity of them is both are building in the same rear and front. It looks the same. Then,both are using the same logo which is Mitsubishi logo. The next similarity of evo 7 and evo 10 is their transmission. Both are using manual transmission. Besides, their speed-gear also same which is 5 speed-gear.
The first difference between lancer evo 7 and evo 10 is their interior design. Lancer evo 10 has shortcut button at the steering while the lancer evo 7 does not has any shortcut button at the steering. Lancer evo 10 also have the GPRS screen under the dashboard compare to lancer evo 7. They are also differ on their exterior design. Lancer evo 10 body is more aero-shape than lancer evo 7. Besides,both of them are differ in their engine design. The engine of lancer evo 10 is simpler and looks more beautiful than the lancer evo 7 which is more complex.
As the conclusion,both mitsubishi lancer evo 7 and 10 have their own similarities and differencess. From that we can see that how mitsubishi car making technology have improved since it was established.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

How to Relieve Stress..

1. Take a deep breath. This is your first, most immediate defense against stress. If you can get in the habit of pausing and taking a nice, deep breath every time you feel stress beginning to take hold, you'll have won half the battle just by preventing it from taking over. The other half is won by addressing the causes of your stress.

2. Communicate. Whether you talk to a friend or talk to your cat, getting it off your chest will help a lot. If you don't feel like talking about it, write it down. Keep a journal and write down whatever it is that's bothering you. Writing is a therapy of its own.

3. Laugh. Rediscover your sense of humor by making fun of your situation. View it from your future self's perspective, telling this story to a bunch of your friends over pizza and soda. Crack some jokes. Do your goofiest impression. Tickle a child that you love.

4. Get fit. Perhaps your health and appearance are stressing you out, but even if they're not an issue, being physically fit can directly help relieve stress, which exists on both a mental and a physical level. Sometimes there's nothing like a long run, an intense yoga session, or a fresh swim after a stressful day to help you feel relaxed and stress-free again. Also, exercise releases endorphins; a feel good hormone.

5. Be organized. For the most part, stress arises from feeling overwhelmed. There's just too much to do, and not enough time to do it. Being organized and getting your priorities straight can help you break responsibilities down into manageable pieces and focus on the things that really matter to you, rather than getting caught up in details and creating extra work for yourself--all of which leads to more stress.

6. Soothe the senses. Light a scented candle that has a calming fragrance like lavender. Listen to your favorite, most relaxing music or, better yet, go somewhere that you can listen to wind rustle through trees or waves crash on the beach. Enjoy the scenery, whether you're outdoors or viewing an art exhibit. Drink some warm tea or taste--really taste--some dark chocolate.

7. Do nothing. That's right, folks, do nothing at all. Close the door, open the window, have a seat, and take a little break from life. If your mind is racing, learn to meditate and just let that stress go.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


How can be leadership? Anyone can be leadership. Leadership like captain in a ship. People how work with him must listen what the leadership said. However, the leadership mean that the combination of personal character and the talent to think as a leader like a person who can control a team. Before be a good leadership, the leader must have 5 key.

Firstly the leader must a plan carefully before doing the activity. It mean, when a leader arrange plan carefully, the leader can detect the problem that can occur. Its also can control the problem before serious. Second is leader has a vision. Vision like a light at night to give us guideline. If leader not have the vision, the group not in the true track when doing activity. Leader also must share her vision their group members. It because can help us develop leadership. It also the way to strength your vision become reality and people can see you as people that have identity. Leader takes charge mean leader must combine your vision and your planning and take action. You as leader must take decisions and choice the suitable action when a problem occur. Lastly leader inspiresion as example.

You must act in way that are appropriate to your vision. It not easy become a leader but people that have effort can be a good leader. In my opinion, the 5 step is the important thing that must have become a leader. Because very step have the reason that good for people how want become leader..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

LET'S bLOggINg..